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This documentation covers the technical requirements for each transformation in Rose. If you are new to using Rose, we recommend reading Using Functions first.



Resample timeseries frequency to yearly. Shorthand for the :resample(a, last, ffill) transformation.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Calculates the absolute value of a timeseries.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Adds a singular value to each point in a timeseries or the corresponding point-in-time values from another timeseies.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
value: float or rosecode
  Float: number to be added to each row of a timeseries, Rosecode: timeseries used to add corresponding values to current timeseries.


Add a singular value or timeseries to the current timeseries with missing values filled with zeroes.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
value: rosecode or integer
  Another rosecode or an integer


Calculates the annualized return from a returns series.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Calculates the annualized volatility from a returns series.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Resample timeseries frequency to business days. Shorthand for the :resample(b, last, ffill) transformation.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Backfills gaps in timeseries data with the closest value after the missing data.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Calculates the level or percent change in values of a timeseries, specifying the date interval type and number of date intervals between calculations.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
frequency [optional] : string
  Data interval type: Daily (d), Weekly (w), Monthly (m), Quarterly (q), Yearly (y or a).
change type [optional] : string, default= ari
  Method of calculating the change between two values. Options include percent change (geo, pct, percent) and level change (ari, lvl, level).
change periods [optional] : int
  Number of data intervals between each calculation.


Calculates the correlation between two timeseries.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: map
timeseries: rosecode
  A rosecode of a timeseries


Calculates the compounding cumulative product of decimal or percentage values; for example, a returns series.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Calculates the rolling cumulative sum of a timeseries.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Resample timeseries frequency to daily. Shorthand for the :resample(d, last, ffill) transformation.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Divide a timeseries by another timeseries or single value.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
value: rosecode or integer
  Another rosecode or an integer


Calculates the day-over-day level or percent (default) change in values of a timeseries.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
change type [optional] : string, default= geo
  Method of calculating the change between two values. Options include percent change (geo, pct, percent) and level change (ari, lvl, level).


Calculates the drawdown (percent difference from the last maximum value) of a return series.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Drop a specific number from the timeseries
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
value: float
  Number to be dropped.


Calculates the duration of a timeseries assuming the timeseries is the yield to maturity (YTM) of a bond.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
par: int
  Par (face) value of the bond.
maturity: int
  Number of years to maturity.
coupon: float or rosecode
  Annual coupon rate in percentage points. (ex. 3.125% -> 3.125)
coupon frequency: int
  Number of coupon periods per year.


Truncates a timeseries starting at a given date (removes all data after the date). :until and :enddate are synonymous transformations.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
date: string
  Date format can be YYYY, YYYYMMDD or YYYY.MM.DD


Resample timeseries frequency to monthly (end-of-month). Shorthand for the :resample(m, last, bfill) transformation. Key difference between :eom and :m is the fill direction.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Calculates the exponential moving average on timeseries
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
decay type: string
  com: Specify decay in terms of center of mass
span: Specify decay in terms of span
halflife: Specify decay in terms of half-life
alpha: Specify smoothing factor (alpha) directly
decay value: float
  Value for the decay, dependant on the decay type.
aggregation type: string
  Mean or standard deviation (std)
minimum periods [optional] : int, default= 0
  Minimum number of observations in window required to have a value
adjust [optional] : int, default= 1
  Divide by decaying adjustment factor in beginning periods to account for imbalance in relative weightings (viewing EWMA as a moving average).


Extends the timeseries back in time to the given date. Back fills using the first datapoint available.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timseries
date: date
  Date format can be YYYY, YYYYMMDD or YYYY.MM.DD


Forwardfills gaps in timeseries data with the closest value before the missing data.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Extends the timeseries to current date, using the last value available to fill the gap. Optional frequency can be provided.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
frequency [optional] : string, default= none
  Data interval type: Daily (d), Weekly (w), Monthly (m), Quarterly (q), Yearly (y or a).


Multiplies a timeseries by -1.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Calculates the duration for a timeseries given the maturity of a bond with the assumption that the timeseries is a zero coupon bond yield
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
maturity [optional] : integer, default= none
  Maturity of the bond in years.


Calculates the number of days between the last datapoint of the timeseries and the current date.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: map


A tool for filling in missing data in a timeseries for a specific date using a given method.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
date: date
  Where in the timeseries to perform the interpolation.
method: string
  Method options include: nearest,zero,slinear,quadratic,cubic,barycentric,polynomial
order [optional] : integer, default= none
  Axis to interpolate along. Options are: 0 for ‘index’ or 1 for ‘columns’


Calculates the inverse (1/x) of a timeseries
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Filters noise out of a timeseries using a Kalman (also known as a linear quadratic estimation (LQE)) algorithm.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Get the last value of a timeseries.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: map


Calculates the natural logarithm of a line
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Returns the underlying logic of the rosecode.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: map


Resample timeseries frequency to monthly (end-of-month). Shorthand for the :resample(m, last, ffill) transformation.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Calculates the moving average over a timeseries or calculates change over two moving windows if a second window is provided (adjusted for date interval frequency and difference between windows).
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
first_window: int
  Number of data intervals between each calculation.
second_window [optional] : int
  Number of data intervals between each calculation.
change_type [optional] : string, default= geo
  Method of calculating the change between two values. Options include percent change (geo, pct, percent) and level change (ari, lvl, level).


Creates an upper limit for a timeseries.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
upper limit: float
  Number to be the maximum value of any datapoint in the timeseries.


Calculates the arithmetic average value across a timeseries.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: map


Returns metadata of a rosecode.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: map


Creates a lower limit for a timeseries
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
lower limit: float
  Number to be the maximum value of any datapoint in the timeseries.


Calculates the month-over-month level or percent (default) change in values of a timeseries.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
change type [optional] : string, default= geo
  Method of calculating the change between two values. Options include percent change (geo, pct, percent) and level change (ari, lvl, level).


Multiplies a singular value to each point in a timeseries or the corresponding point-in-time values from another timeseies.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
value: float or rosecode
  Value for each point in the timeseries to by mulitplied by.


Shift a timeseries by the specified number of periods.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
offset amount: int
  How many periods to offset the data; can be positive or negative.


Calculate the optimal offset of two timeseries in a given window
Input type: timeseries
Output type: map
secondary timeseries: rosecode
  A rosecode of a timeseries
window: int
  Number of observations in the window. For example, a quarterly window for a business daily series would be 84, but only 3 for a monthly series.
offset method [optional] : int, default= none
  Single or bi-directional. 0=single direction, 1=bi-directional.


Calculates different attributes of an option given a price series. The default is the price of the option contract, other attributes include delta, gamma, vega, rho, and return.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
option type: string
  The type of the option, options include call or put.
strike: float
  The price to execute the option at.
implied vol: float or rosecode
  The implied volatility, either as a single value (ex. 0.33) or as a timeseries.
interest rate: float or rosecode
  The risk free interest rate, either as a single value (ex. 0.02) or a timeseries.
time to maturity: float
  The days until maturity before the option rolls.
model type [optional] : string, default= bs
  The type of model to use, options inlcude: bs (Black-Scholes), gk (Garman-Kohlhagen), or me (Merton).
return type [optional] : string, default= price
  The type of attribute to return, option include price, delta, theta, gamma, vega, rho, and return.
burn_per_period [optional] : float or rosecode, default= none
  Optional burn rate for the gk and me models, either as a single value (ex. 0.02) or a timeseries.


Raises each row in a timeseries to a singular value or the corresponding row values of another timeseries.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
value: float or rosecode
  Value for the timeseries to be raised to.


Resample timeseries frequency to quarterly (end-of-quarter). Shorthand for the :resample(q, last, ffill) transformation.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Calculates the quarter-over-quarter level or percent (default) change in values of a timeseries.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
change type [optional] : string, default= geo
  Method of calculating the change between two values. Options include percent change (geo, pct, percent) and level change (ari, lvl, level).


Replaces the current timeseries with one provided
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
timeseries: rosecode
  A rosecode of a timeseries


Resamples data to a certain frequency with options on which values to use if upsampling (going from daily -> monthly) and how to fill for downsampling (going from monthly -> daily).
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
frequency: string
  Daily (d), Weekly (w), Monthly (m), Quarterly (q), Yearly (y or a).
resample type [optional] : string, default= last
  Which instance in the period to use as the value.
fill type [optional] : string, default= ffill
  How to fill gaps in the data. ffill = forward fill (using the last value), bfill = back fill (using the next value), or zero (using 0)


Rescale the timeseries by a given first value.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
rescale value: float or rosecode
  The value to set the first value of the timeseries to.
rescale type [optional] : string, default= geo
  Method of calculating the rescaling. Options include percent change (geo, pct, percent) and level change (ari, lvl, level).


Rescale the timeseries by a given last value.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
rescale value: float or rosecode
  The value to set the last value of the timeseries to.
rescale type [optional] : string, default= geo
  Method of calculating the rescaling. Options include percent change (geo, pct, percent) and level change (ari, lvl, level).


Calculates the cumulative return on a returns series. The cumulative return is the total change over time; it is an aggregate return, not an annualized one.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Calculates the cumulative return on a price or index series from a given date
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
start date: date
  Date format can be YYYY, YYYYMMDD or YYYY.MM.DD


Calculates the geometric change of a timeseries (value2 / value1).
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
frequency [optional] : string
  Data interval type: Daily (d), Weekly (w), Monthly (m), Quarterly (q), Yearly (y or a).


Adjusts the volatility of a returns series to a given value.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
volatility: float


Calculates the compounding cumulative product over a sliding partition of decimal or percentage values; for example, a returns series.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
window: int
  Length of partition to look back from the current observation.


Calculates the rolling sharpe ratio of a timeseries. Note: the rosecode should be a returns series.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
window: int
  Number of observations in the window. For example, a quarterly window for a business daily series would be 84, but only 3 for a monthly series.


Calculate the unbiased rolling skew normalized by N-1 in a given window.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
window: int
  Number of observations in the window. For example, a quarterly window for a business daily series would be 84, but only 3 for a monthly series.


Calculates the rolling standard deviation over a given window.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
window: int
  Number of observations in the window. For example, a quarterly window for a business daily series would be 84, but only 3 for a monthly series.


Calculates the rolling sum over a given window.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
window: int
  Number of observations in the window. For example, a quarterly window for a business daily series would be 84, but only 3 for a monthly series.


Calculates the rolling Z score for a timeseries over a given window. A rolling Z-score is based on the average and standard deviation of the data in the window.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
window: int
  Number of observations in the window. For example, a quarterly window for a business daily series would be 84, but only 3 for a monthly series.


Calculates Z score for line over a rolling window average and standard deviation. For data that doesn't fit into the window, the available data will be used for mean and standard deviation
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
window: int
  Number of observations in the window. For example, a quarterly window for a business daily series would be 84, but only 3 for a monthly series.


Round values in a timeseries to specified number of decimal places.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
decimals_to_round [optional] : int
  Number of decimals to round to.


Calculates the rolling Relative Strength Index (RSI) over a given window. Note: the rosecode should be a returns series.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
window: int
  Number of data points between each calculation.


Calculates the rolling Realized Volatility of a timeseries over a given window. Note: the rosecode should be a price series.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
window: int
  Number of data points between each calculation.


Seasonally adjusts a timeseries using ARIMA x13
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Resamples timeseries to a given frequency and calculate seasonality factor. For the best results, use the frequency closest to the dataset.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
frequency [optional] : string, default= none
  Data interval type: Daily (d), Weekly (w), Monthly (m), Quarterly (q), Yearly (y or a).


Calculates the sharpe ratio of a timeseries assuming it's a daily returns timeseries
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Converts the timeseries to a signal from -1 to 1 using a cumulative density function
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Truncates a timeseries starting at a given date (removes all data before the date). :since and :startdate are synonymous transformations.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
date: string
  Date format can be YYYY, YYYYMMDD or YYYY.MM.DD


Calculates the unbiased skew normalized by N-1. Returns a timeseries with a single value.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Calculates the Sortino ratio of a returns series based on a given minimum acceptable return. Returns a timeseries with a single value. The Sortino ratio measures the risk-adjusted return of an investment asset, portfolio, or strategy.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timseries
minimum acceptable return [optional] : float, default= 0
  The desired percent return. Example: 10% -> 0.1


Calculates spearman correlation of two timeseries.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: map
timeseries: rosecode
  A rosecode of a timeseries


Splices the changes of another timeseries to the back of the current timeseries
Input type: timeseries
Output type:
timeseries: rosecode
  another rosecode of a timeseries that extend ...
change type [optional] : string, default= geo
  Method of calculating the change between two values. Options include percent change (geo, pct, percent) and level change (ari, lvl, level).
extend type [optional] : string, default= regular
  an indicator of ..


Truncates a timeseries starting at a given date (removes all data before the date). :since and :startdate are synonymous transformations.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
date: string
  Date format can be YYYY, YYYYMMDD or YYYY.MM.DD


Calculates the standard deviation over an entire timeseries as a singular value.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: map


Overlay another timeseries on top of the current timeseries and return the combined timeseries
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
timeseries: rosecode, default= none
  A rosecode of a timeseries to be stitched to the base rosecode.


Subtracts a singular value to each point in a timeseries or the corresponding point-in-time values from another timeseies.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
value: float or rosecode
  Float: number to be subtracted from each point of a timeseries, Rosecode: timeseries used to subtract corresponding values to current timeseries.


Convert a timeseries to a map with a column of dates and a cloumn of values
Input type: timeseries
Output type: map


Calculate the return when using the first timeseries as signal to trade a returns series
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
returns series : rosecode
  The returns (percent change) series to trade based on the signal series.
transaction cost [optional] : float, default= none
  If given, the fee (in decimals) deducted for each trade.
trading trigger [optional] : float, default= none
  If given, the threshold that the signal must pass before a trade is executed.


Truncates a timeseries starting at a given date (removes all data after the date). :until and :enddate are synonymous transformations.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
date: string
  Date format can be YYYY, YYYYMMDD or YYYY.MM.DD


Resample timeseries frequency to weekly. Shorthand for the :resample(w, last, ffill) transformation.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries


Calculates the week-over-week level or percent (default) change in values of a timeseries.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
change type [optional] : string, default= geo
  Method of calculating the change between two values. Options include percent change (geo, pct, percent) and level change (ari, lvl, level).


Calculates the year-over-year level or percent (default) change in values of a timeseries.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
change type [optional] : string, default= geo
  Method of calculating the change between two values. Options include percent change (geo, pct, percent) and level change (ari, lvl, level).


Calculates the price of a bond timeseries assuming the timeseries is the yield to maturity (YTM) of a bond
Input type: timeseries
Output type: timeseries
par: int
  Par (face) value of the bond.
maturity (in years): int
  Number of years to maturity.
coupon: float or rosecode
  Annual coupon rate in percentage points. (ex. 3.125% -> 3.125)
coupon_frequency: int
  Number of coupon periods per year.


Calculates the Z score for a timeseries. A Z-score is based on the average and standard deviation of a dataset.
Input type: timeseries
Output type: map



Calculates the sum of a column in a map.
Input type: map
Output type: map
column: column
  Column name.


Calculates the sum for each row across columns of a map and stores it in the specified result column name.
Input type: map
Output type: map
columns: column name*
  Columns to be added and the new results column name.


Appends a map to another map assuming both maps have identical column names.
Input type: map
Output type: map
map: rosecode
  A rosecode of a map.


Calculates the average of each row in a map given a set of columns. Cell values must be numeric.
Input type: map
Output type: map
column(s): column name(s)*
  Column(s) from the map to be included in the average.
results column name: string
  Name of the new column containing the averaged values.


Replaces values in a column with values from a bucket map provided.
Input type: map
Output type: map
column_to_bucket : column name
  Column from the base map to replace values with buckets.
bucket_map: rosecode
  Name of the map containing the buckets.
bucket_map_column_with_bucket: column name
  Column from the bucket map
lower_bound_column: column name
upper_bound_column: column name


Set a cap (upper limit) for one or more column of numbers. Any value greater than the cap is replaced with the cap value.
Input type: map
Output type: map
cap: float
  Value to be used as the cap (upper limit).
column(s) [optional] : column name(s), default= none
  Column(s) from the map to be capped. If no column is given, caps the entire map.


Returns a new map with one column containing only the column names of the original map
Input type: map
Output type: map


Appends a string or second column value to the end of every cell in a given column.
Input type: map
Output type: map
base column: column name
  Column from the map to be used as base for the new column.
append value: string or column name
  Value to be appended to the base column value.
results column [optional] : string, default= base column
  Name of the new column containing the concatenated values. Default will replace the original base column values with the new results.


Converts a column of dates into date-to-quarter format (YYYYQ#). Replaces the original dates in-place.
Input type: map
Output type: map
date column: column name
  Name of the date column to be converted into date-to-quarter format (YYYYQ#)


Divide a column by another column in the same map.
Input type: map
Output type: map
column: column
  Column name.


Drops selected columns from a map
Input type: map
Output type: map
columns: column name*
  Columns to be dropped.


Drops duplicate values found in specified column(s) and keep the first, last, or none of the duplicates.
Input type: map
Output type: map
columns(s): column name*
  Column(s) to drop duplicates from.
instance to keep [optional] : string, default= first
  Which instance of duplicate value to keep.


Drops rows with empty values and any specified values
Input type: map
Output type: map
value(s) to drop [optional] : string*, default= ""
  Value(s) to drop


Converts columns of rosecodes to their last value.
Input type: map
Output type: map
column: column name*
  Column name


Check if values exists in map or specified columns if provided. Returns one (1) or zero (0) if the value exists or not.
Input type: map
Output type: map
column(s) [optional] : column name(s)*
  Column(s) from the map to check. If no column is given, checks the entire map


Returns map with missing values filled from top to bottom over given columns
Input type: map
Output type: map
column(s): column name(s)*
  Column(s) from the map to be filled down.


Filter values in map by a column and condition. ex: column1 >= 1
Input type: map
Output type: map
filter condition: string
  Filter condition containing a column name, relational operator, and conditional value. Conditional value can be a string, number or another column. Relational operator options include: =, <>, >, <, >=, <=
filter type [optional] : value or column, default= value
  How the comparison should be evaluated. Value = compares the every cell in the column to the conditional value. Column = compares every row pair for the two columns using the operator given.
value or boolean [optional] : int, default= 0
  How the results will be returned. 0 = returns every row with a match to the conditional value, 1 = returns 1 (true) or 0 (false) for every row based on if it matches the conditional value.


Returns the date of the first occurence of a non-zero value for every row in a column of rosecodes.
Input type: map
Output type: map
column: column name
  Column of rosecodes to be assessed.


Set a floor (lower limit) for one or more column of numbers. Any value less than the floor is replaced with the floor value.
Input type: map
Output type: map
floor value: float
  Value to be used as the cap (upper limit).
column(s) [optional] : column name(s)*, default= none
  Column(s) from the map to be capped. If no column is given, caps the entire map.


Group a table by a column and aggregation (ex: sum, mean, max, min...etc) and return a column with that aggregation on it
Input type: map
Output type: map
column to group: column name*
  Column(s) to group by (typically contains categorical data)
column to aggregate: column name*
  Column(s) to aggregate by (can be numeric or categorial)
aggregation type: string
  What calculation to apply to the aggregation column. Options include: count, sum, mean, mad, median, min, max, mode, abs, prod, std, var, sem, skew, kurt, quantile, cumsum, cumprod, cummax, cummin


Inserts a new column with specified new column name and values.
Input type: map
Output type: map
new column name: string
  Name of the new column header.
new column values: column, string, or int
  Value(s) for the new column. Can be an integer, string, or another column from the map (will copy the contents for each row in that column).


Joins two maps on a given column, performs left join by default or specify join type for left, right, outer, or inner joins.
Input type: map
Output type: map
secondary map: rosecode
  Name of the map to join with the base map.
column in base map: column name
  Name of the column from the base map to perform the join on.
column in secondary map: column name
  Name of the column from the seconary map to perform the join on.
join type [optional] : string, default= left
  Left: keeps all values from the base map and any matches from the secondary map. Right: keeps all values from the secondary map and any matches from the base map. Outer: keeps all values from both maps. Inner: only keeps values that match in both maps.


Get the last value for each rosecode in a column, returning blank for rows that are not rosecodes.
Input type: map
Output type: map
columns: column*
  Column name.


Limits the number of rows in a map to either a number or by a percentage in decimal form.
Input type: map
Output type: map
limit value: float
  Number or percentage of rows to keep in the map.


Returns the underlying logic of the rosecode.
Input type: map
Output type: map


Calculates the arithmetic average value of a map column given a column name.
Input type: map
Output type: map
column: column name
  Column name.


Merges two maps using an outer join
Input type: map
Output type: map
map: rosecode
  Map to be merged into the original map.


Returns metadata of a rosecode.
Input type: map
Output type: map


Multiply a column in a map by a given value.
Input type: map
Output type: map
column: column name
  Column name
value: float
  Value for each point in the timeseries to by mulitplied by


Shift a map by the specified number of rows.
Input type: map
Output type: map
offset amount: int
  How many rows to offset the data; can be positive or negative.


Return a map with only selected columns
Input type: map
Output type: map
column(s): column*
  a list of columns


Create a spreadsheet-style pivot table as a map.
Input type: map
Output type: map
values column: column name
  Column to perform the aggregation on.
index column(s): column name(s)
  Column(s) to use as the index for the pivot
results column: column name
  Name of the new column for the aggregation results.
aggregation: string
  What calculation to apply to the aggregation column. Options include: mean, std, var, sum, prod, cumsum, cumprod, min, max.


Rename the column names of a map given a list of old and new names. Ex: renamecolumns(column=newname)
Input type: map
Output type: map
old_name = new_name: column name = new column name*
  List of old column name = new column name


Replaces all instances of a value with another value (provide only the value and replacement) or replaces every instance of a valuein a column with the value of another column (provide the base column name, value, and replacement column name).
Input type: map
Output type: map
column name or global value: column name or string
  Column containing the value or just the value to search all columns.
value or replacement: string
  If a column is provided as the first parameter, then this is the value to find. Otherwise, this is the replacement value.
replacement [optional] : string or column, default= none
  Only used if a column is provided as the first parameter. Can either being a single value to replace all instances of the placeholder or a column with replacements for rows that match the value.


Calculates and replaces with the Z score of the given column(s). If no column names are given, acts on all numeric columns.
Input type: map
Output type: map
column(s) [optional] : column name(s)*, default= none
  Column(s) to replace with Z-scores.


Generates a rosecode from a series of selected string columns joined by periods
Input type: map
Output type: map
columns to combine: column name(s)*
  List of columns to combine row-wise into rosecodes.
new column name: column name
  Name of the new column containing the rosecodes.


Round columns in a map to specified number of decimal places.
Input type: map
Output type: map
columns_to_round: column*
  Column in which to round values.
decimals_to_round [optional] : int*
  Number of decimals to round to.

Search a key word in a map. Returns all rows that contain the keyword.
Input type: map
Output type: map
keyword: string
  The search target.


Sorts a map on a given column. Options for sort order and to use the last value of all rosecodes in a column.
Input type: map
Output type: map
column: column name
  Column to sort by
sort order [optional] : int, default= 1
  Order to sort by. 1 = ascending, 0 = descending
last value [optional] : int, default= 0
  Option to use the last value of each timeseries if the sort column contains rosecodes. If this option is not set to 1, the default will sort the column of rosecodes alphabetically.


Calculates the sum across non-string rows in a map
Input type: map
Output type: map


Converts column(s) of strings dates to yyyy-dd-mm date format.
Input type: map
Output type: map
column(s): column name(s)*
  Column(s) of dates to be converted.


Transposes a map (rotates rows and columns).
Input type: map
Output type: map
new header: column name
  Column from the map to be used as the new column headers.
new header: column name
  Column values to be used as coumn headers.


Converts a map into a timeseries given a date column and value column.
Input type: map
Output type: timeseries
date column: column name
  Column from the map that contains the dates
value column: column name
  Column from the map that contains the values



Generates an area chart from a map containing columns for date, value and label (optional).
Input type: map
Output type: chart
x-axis: column name
  Column that contains the values (dates) for the x-axis of the chart
y-axis: column name
  Column that contains the values for the y-axis of the chart
labels [optional] : column name, default= none
  Column that contains the labels for the chart, if none is given, no labels will be displayed.


Generates a bar chart from a map
Input type: map
Output type: chart
labels: column name
  Column that contains the labels for the chart
values: column name*
  Column(s) that contains the values for the chart


Generates a bubble chart from a map
Input type: map
Output type: chart
labels: column name
  Column that contains the labels for the chart
values: column name*
  Column(s) that contains the values for the chart


Generates a heatmap from a map
Input type: map
Output type: chart
labels: column name
  Column that contains the labels for the chart
values: column name*
  Column(s) that contains the values for the chart


Generates a pie chart from a map
Input type: map
Output type: chart
labels: column name
  Column that contains the labels for the chart
values: column name
  Column that contains the labels for the chart


Generates a scatter plot from a map
Input type: map
Output type: chart
x-axis: column name
  Column that contains the values for the x-axis of the chart
y-axis: column name
  Column that contains the values for the y-axis of the chart
labels [optional] : column name, default= none
  Column that contains the labels for the scatterplot, if none is given, no labels will be displayed.