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Using the Rose Google Sheets Add-on

This an overview of the functions you can use to view data on Rose through Google Sheets. If you haven't already, please install the Rose Google Sheets Add-on first.

Pull Timeseries

Use the =pull(rosecode) function to pull timeseries into Google Sheets

example: pull single timeseries

Pull Timeseries by Dates

You can also pull a timeseries by using a range of dates by using `=pull(rosecode, date_range)```

example: pull timeseries by date

result: pull timeseries by date

Pull Multiple Timeseries

If you want to pull more than one timeseries at a time you using =pull(rosecode_range)

example: pull multiple timeseries

result: pull multiple timeseries

Pull Multiple Timeseries by Dates

You can also pull multiple timeseries by a range of dates using =pull(rosecode_range, date_range)

example: pull multiple timeseries by dates

result: pull multiple timeseries by dates

Push Timeseries

To push a timeseries use the function =push(rosecode, dates_values)

example: push timeseries

Push Timeseries with Metadata

To push a timeseries with metadata use =push(rosecode, metadata, dates_values)

example: push timeseries with metadata

Pull Map

To pull a map, use =pull_map(rosecode)

example: pull map

Push Map

To push a map, use =push_map(rosecode,table_range)

example: push map

Pull Logic

To pull a logic code and view the underlying logic/transformations of that dataset use the function =pull_logic(rosecode)

example: pull logic

Pull Multiple Logic

You can also pull multiple logic at once by using =pull_logic(rosecode_range)

example: pull multiple logic

Push Logic

If you want to apply transformations to a dataset and give it it's own name or just create a dataset with a different name as =push_logic(new_rosecode, old_rosecode) where old_rosecode can have transformations applied

example: push logic